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Head lice are not uncommon, but that still doesn’t make them fun to deal with. These annoying pests primarily live on the human scalp, causing 6-11 million infestations every year in children. Fortunately, lice aren’t too durable. They can’t jump, run or fly and they can only live off a human host for about 24 hours.

Lice can technically come from anywhere, but we most commonly see them spread in crowded places, particularly places where children spend their time. If you or your child will be in any of these higher risk places, be sure to use a lice repellent spray to ward off lice!

Below are five places where you’re most likely to pick up head lice.

1. School 

School is one of the top places where lice are spread. It’s understandable why, as plenty of kids are in a classroom together sharing tight quarters. Kids also don’t need personal space like adults do, so they’re more likely to touch heads when they’re engaging in group work, participating in physical education or playing outside at recess.

2. Daycare

For the same reasons as schools, daycares are also a hotspot for head lice. Not only are young children spending their days together in the same classroom, but also they usually take naps after lunch. Blankets and stuffed animals can transfer lice from home to school and vice versa, and the sleeping cots can contribute to the spread if they’re shared by multiple children.

3. Summer Camp

Summer camp brings groups of children close together, giving lice the opportunity to spread during indoor and outdoor activities. Whether it’s painting, listening to a story or playing dress up, there are multiple opportunities for lice to seek out new hosts. Kids in summer camp often play outdoor sports as well, and helmets and other equipment can spread lice.

4. Sleepovers 

Kids love sleepovers, and we feel they deserve to have them! But they do pose a higher risk for catching lice. Kids spend hours close together and might share beds, pillows and sleeping bags. Girls, in particular, may take selfies or give makeovers, bringing them especially close to each other. It can help to tie up your child’s hair into a braid or ponytail and spray it with a lice repellent mint spray.

5. Public Transportation 

Now this one’s for the adults. You can get head lice from public transportation. Subways, buses, trains and other forms of public transportation have tight spaces, which means people are squeezing in and standing close to one another. This allows lice to crawl from one head to the next. While it’s possible to get lice from a bus or train seat, it’s unlikely. Remember, lice can only live for about 24 hours off a host.

Contact My Hair Helpers for Head Lice Services 

While there are other places where you can pick up head lice, these are some of the most common places. If you’re worried that you have lice in the home, you can do a lice check using a fine-tooth nitpicker comb and then applying nontoxic dimethicone oil if you see lice activity. Do not use these products if you don’t have lice. For more questions or concerns about head lice, contact My Hair Helpers. We are here for you!

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