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Head lice are tiny parasites that live in your hair and feed off the blood from your scalp. They are not harmful and they do not spread disease, but they are still a nuisance. Most people develop symptoms around four to six weeks after the infestation. By this point, the lice are usually thriving, with females laying around six eggs per day.

The most common symptom of head lice is itching on the scalp, neck and ears. This itching happens because the body is having an allergic reaction to the louse bites. Other signs of a lice infestation include visible lice on the scalp and hair, a tickling feeling in the hair and sores on the neck, scalp and shoulders.

So what happens if you’re just finding out that your child has lice? Prompt treatment is key. You can visit a head lice removal salon or purchase head lice treatment products from a company like My Hair Helpers. Not treating head lice can cause complications and make the infestation more difficult to treat.

Complications of Longer Term Lice Infestations 

Usually when a child gets head lice, they experience itching or a tickling feeling in the hair about four to six weeks later. Leaving lice untreated causes these symptoms to be more severe. Because lice are particularly active in the dark, they may also cause disruption to your child’s sleep.

Here are some examples of the complications your child may experience if they have head lice for too long:

  • Extreme itchiness and rashes
  • Sores on the head or neck from scratching
  • Trouble sleeping at night
  • Irritability during the day from lack of sleep
  • Other people in the household with lice
  • Emotional distress
  • Infections from scratching and breaking the skin
  • Blood loss and iron deficiency

Treatment for Persistent Lice Infestations 

When you use the right products, you can treat severe lice infestations in the same way that you would treat regular ones. However, be aware that you must follow all instructions and follow up with a second treatment to ensure any missed lice or nits are gone. If you don’t catch all of them in the first treatment, they can start the lifecycle all over again.

My Hair Helpers has a great selection of head lice removal products, including our dimethicone lice oil, mint shampoo and conditioner and mint repellent spray. You can purchase these products individually or as part of a kit. We also recommend our lice eliminator comb that will help you stay on top of future lice infestations.

Head Lice Treatment Made Easy 

Waiting too long to treat head lice can result in more severe itching, scabs and the risk for infection. This is why it’s important to treat these parasites as soon as you find them. If you have questions or concerns about head lice or need to schedule an appointment at our head lice salon, contact My Hair Helpers today. Or pick up our affordable, effective and nontoxic lice treatment products for DIY lice removal.

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