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The December calendar is filled with holidays! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, you probably spend lots of additional time with your family and friends this time of year. And because it’s winter and the temperatures are colder, many holiday gatherings are held indoors, bringing large groups of people close together.

Like germs, head lice are more likely to spread during the holidays. Fortunately, there are effective ways to stop head lice from spreading to your family. Below you’ll find some of the activities that are most likely to share lice and how to navigate them. It helps to be informed!


Have a conversation with your child about reducing direct contact with others. This won’t be entirely possible, as Grandma will want her hugs and kisses! But keep in mind that 90% of head lice cases are spread through head-to-head contact, so it pays to be mindful. But don’t worry – it’s a pandemic and most family members will be fine with a handshake or fist bump.

Playing with Cousins 

Most cousins don’t get to see each other as often as they’d like, so when they do get together, they go all out! Whether it’s play wrestling, video games, tag or board games, these activities bring young kids close together. Because you can’t avoid this entirely, tie up your child’s hair and use a lice repellent spray. The pleasant mint fragrance smells great but repels lice!

Taking Family Photos 

How many times have you squeezed together with dozens of family members for a photo? Probably too many to count! While family photos capture special moments, they also force everyone to stand together, often with their arms around each other. Rather than opting out of the photos, protect your family by using a lice repellent spray, wearing your hair up and applying hair spray or hair gel. This makes it harder for lice to crawl up stands of hair.

Staying Over 

Are you planning on staying at a family’s house for the holidays? Or perhaps they are planning to stay with you? Either way, sharing close quarters can cause head lice to spread. Do not share combs, brushes or hair accessories. And always use clean towels and linens. But, feel good knowing that very few cases of head lice are spread through these items.

Snow Activities

If snow is in the forecast, bring along your child’s winter gear: hats, gloves, scarves and warm coats. While rare, head lice can spread from a hat or scarf recently worn by an infected person. Play it safe and bring along your child’s own gear for sledding, tobogganing or playing in the snow. If the situation is reversed and family is asking to borrow your stuff, wash it on hot water when they’re done using it.

Still Got Head Lice? Don’t Fret – My Hair Helpers Has You Covered! 

The holidays are a time for family and friends to come together – not worry about head lice! Thankfully, taking a few simple precautions will prevent head lice from spreading into your home! And if you do end up getting head lice, rest assured it’s not the end of the world. My Hair Helpers has a full line of head lice removal products that are safe and effective for people of all ages. You can buy them on Amazon or directly from our website.

Happy Holidays from our family to yours!

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